Shared cataloguing and the principle of universal access to information induce cooperation in terms of strategy and concept between libraries involving also the libraries' long-term developers as well as their technological partners, since the collection of due profundity, the evolving user needs and the appropriate infrastructure will strain the concept of service based upon individual libraries. The article presents the potentials of cooperation as offered by the OLIB integrated library system both in centralised and decentralised operating environments, with a view to international consortial developments that have a significant impact on the technological background and strategic development of the LIS field. Highlighted are the tools of automation and modules of digital library warranting the reduction in the librarian's workload peculiar to OLIB, such as the serials management module, the knowledge-bases that can be built by virtue of the electronic management of reference work, the display options of full-text documents and their retrieval by any word etc., that increase efficiency both in centralised and decentralised service integration. The system integration requires the sharing of documents and resources, which means that participants of the consortium have to ensure the conformity of all components of the system. Thus implementing the technological tools is only a first step in preparing for the multifactor resource sharing activity, both on the side of the customers and the system developers.