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2009 | 10 | 201-211

Article title

REDEFINING STANDARDS OF FUNCTIONING OF VOLUNTARY LABOR CORPS FOR YOUNGSTERS BY ITS WORKERS (Redefiniowanie standardu funkcjonowania Mlodziezowego Centrum Kariery Ochotniczych Hufców Pracy przez pracowników placówki)

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The authoress makes an attempt to present some elements of the documents that determine the shape of the Voluntary Labor Corps for Youngsters, and the events during which the employees of the local subsidiaries, like the Youth Career Centers, have redefined those elements. Moreover, the she tried to determine redefining strategies adopted during the process, which included the strategies of emphasizing, rewarding, camouflage and dramaturgic rationality. All this took place at an organizational meeting and during the opening ceremony of a subsidiary, which the authoress attended as a part of the research activities. These issues are important due to the fact that they present a fragment of organizational reality of the Voluntary Labor Corps - an institution that is currently undergoing some interesting changes within its organizational structure. In the paper, the authoress invokes the metaphor of the theatre used as a research perspective in order to facilitate the text and stress the dramaturgic dimension of counseling in case of the Voluntary Labor Corps.






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CEJSH db identifier

YADDA identifier

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