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2007 | 8 | 111-125

Article title


Title variants

Poradnictwo zapośredniczone – rozważania definicyjne i pierwsze próby badawcze

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The authoress tries to definite the indirect counseling, and present the results of initial research. The literature describes two ways of defining the indirectness - in its narrow and wide meanings. In the first, indirectness is a medium; it is a transmitter of certain information. In a latter, indirectness refers to socially constructed strategies of communicating with the world not directly accessible. She built a definition of the indirect counseling on the basis of the above distinction. Thus, the indirect counseling in a narrow meaning denotes advising through different kind of mass media communication instruments. The indirect counseling in a wide sense is not advising by media, but generating certain situations. It is hidden counseling not verbalized directly through guidelines, hints and intentions. She presents the initial research attempts on this kind of counseling. These attempts were prepared by the students from her seminar group. They analyzed the indirect counseling in Internet, and distinguished and described the following elements: counselor, client, means and methods, actions and results of advisory situations. The presented example proved that counseling can be analyzed and described in many different ways and in many areas.






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