The WW II did not alter the ownership status of the rail in the German Reich. However, wartime 'supervision' encompassed the railways of the so-called lands incorporated into the Reich (Austria, Sudetenland, Memel, Poland, Slovenia, Luxemburg, Alsace-Lorraine) and the rails of the occupied terrains (the General Government, part of the USSR, France, Belgium,The Netherlands and Denmark). At the end of 1942, the head of transport expanded his 'surveillance' over such occupied countries as the USSR ( part of the occupied areas), Norway, Yugoslavia (Croatia and Serbia) and Greece. Amongst the German allies, a formal, sovereign dependence was retained by the rail in : the Protectorate of Bohemia-Moravia, Slovakia, Rumania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy and Finland. The General Government railway, concentrated around the Ostbahn, comprised an important part of the Axis rail network, since the main trade routes towards the eastern front ran across the General Government.