Slovak Slavistics accepted the interdisciplinary approach of research based on the examination of language, literature, history, culture, ethnical and confessional processes. The elementary feature of Slovak Slavistics, from the scholarly and investigatory point of view, is the research of Slovak - Slavic and Slovak - non-Slavic relations. Although the domestic and international Slavistics undergoes the recession today, its task to accelerate systematic and complex exploration remains untouched. The priority of Slovak Slavistics, both in domestic and international context, is to safeguard the scholarly outputs and their presentation in the international competition. Important role plays the provision of the continuity of Slavistic research, which is not merely the question of prestige, but the elementary approach towards continuous quality enhancement of the scholarly discipline, too. The internationally accepted Slavistic research with an active cooperation of the 'Jan Stanislav' Slavistic institute of the SAS, acknowledges the topicality, exigency, non-substitutability, and continuity of the modern Slavistics in Slovakia, which constitutes an inseparable part of wider Central European and international Slavistic research.