The author of the study explores the dynamics of the peripeties in the developments in literary-scientific thinking in broader contexts of cultural life in Slovakia. He describes the individual personalities and points out the uniqueness of their contributions to the literary scientific discourse, as well as Slovak cultural milieu while depicting them as phenomena transcending national and cultural boundaries as well as boundaries among disciplines. The contexts of reflections between the poles of modernity and conservatism create: abstract art, visual avant-garde, Russian formalism, Viennese neo-positivism, psychoanalysis, structuralism and semiotics. The author outlines the semiotic conception of language and a whole range of transtextuality (intertextuality, paratextuality, metatextuality, architextuality and hypertextuality), metonymy and metaphor, the problem of the archeology of cultural memory, post-structuralism and pulsation aesthetics.