The Institute of History of the Lodz University formally consists of five chairs: -of Polish Most Recent History; -of Polish Contemporary History; -of Most Recent World History; -of East European History; -of Middle Eastern Studies, pursuing widely comprehended most recent history. Furthermore, the problem of most recent history in a slightly different, historiographic aspect is present also in works by the staff of the Chair of the History of Historiography. Altogether, the listed structures include 24 persons, not counting the Ph. D. students. The interests of the Lodz - based historians span from the beginning of the twentieth century to the turn of the 1980s, with a decisive predominance of topics within a range enclosed by the years 1914 (or even 1900) and 1939. Some of the staff members participate in preparing a publication initialled by the 'Karta' Centre: 'Opozycja w PRL. Slownik biograficzny 1956-1989' (The Opposition in the People's Republic of Poland. Biographical Dictionary 1956-1989). The particular scientific interests of the institute staff members are described in detail.