Karol Frycz learnt to compose pictures from pieces of paper as a student of the Vienna Kunstgewerbeschule (in 1902-3) during the lectures of Alfred Roller. From 1904 he created paper cut-outs according to his own, original method. Paintings, architecture and birds were the most commonly chosen subjects. The cut-outs proved very popular, being hung among other places in the headquarters of the Society of Polish Applied Arts (TPSS) and Jan Michalik's confectionery shop, being eulogised in the cabaret repertoires of the 'Zielony Balonik' (Green Balloon) and other forms of recognition, official as well as less formal; including exhibitions of art from the 'Mloda Polska' (Young Poland) movement. They were also associated with Japanese woodcuts. In the collections of the National Museum in Cracow are to be found two pictures by Frycz: 'Hen with her Brood' (1903) and 'Guinea-fowl in the Garden' (1906). Inaccurately dated 1913, they were mistakenly connected with the later technique of cubist collage. From 1907 no paper cut-outs are recorded in the creative work of Karol Frycz.