The article deals with some emotionally colored words and word combinations which existed in the idiolects of the residents of Poland's northeastern border areas in a period of 1918-39. Positive emotionalisms, which are presented and analyzed herein, make up two groups: (1) the diminutive forms; (2) the hypocoristic words. The diminutive forms are typical for the appellatives referring to people - 'duszeczka', 'panoczek'; the house - 'kateczek', 'sionka'; household outbuildings - 'odrynka', 'swironek'; houseware - 'samowarczyk', 'kilimek'; culinary products - 'chlodniczek', 'bulionczyk'; and animals - 'kabanek'. Hypocoristic words, however, distinguish persons who are determined by the appellatives, e.g.: 'babciuchna', 'papanka', and by anthroponims, e.g. 'Adamko', 'Edek', 'Edzia', 'Edzienka', 'Edka', 'Werunia', 'Nineczka'. In addition, the author has analyzed how specific northeastern positive expressivisms are formed. Thanks to carefully selected citations, she also emphasized the role of the context and the con-situation which supported the use of the positive expressivisms. .