The authoress tries to establish the influence of the corruption on the students of law at the Lublin University, and what do the students think about that phenomenon. To achieve this goal she has formulated four hypotheses, which have been compared with the data gathered in the random sample of 60 students from the Law and Administration Faculty of the University of Lublin. The data allow the authoress to conclude that the students point out the bad economic situation of the country as a major factor of the corruption. It leads to a conclusion that in order to minimize the negative effect of corruption one needs to improve the economic situation of the whole society. Majority of the students define corruption as an immoral behavior. There are persons however, which will not take part in it not because of the moral condemnation but ironically because of the lack of proper financial means. The final conclusion is that the young generation form their behavior on patterns created by the adults. Examples of successful corruption (or, how much one may gain from the corruption) destroy the moral and social fabric of any society. It is extremely important to pay the students' attention as well as warn them against such exceptionally dangerous evil actions which destroy the basis of democracy, undermine the state of law and slow down the economic progress