An attempt at outlining a portrait of young people during the 1980s, predominantly upon the basis of about 70 polls conducted by the Public Opinion Research Centre (CBOS). In several instances the outcome was compared with other heretofore unpublished sociological analyses. The gathered material made it possible to indicate the following features of the youth of the 1980's: 1) different opinions held by the respondents from the large towns (who anticipated changes) and those from the small towns and villages (more in favour of 'stabilization'); 2) a predominant distrust of politics; 3) a perception of the family as the supreme value; 4) attachment to Catholicism; 4) fascination with youth culture (especially rock music); 5) an avoidance of involvement (albeit with potential support rather for the opposition than for the authorities); 6) a feeling of a lack of perspectives, growing from the mid–1980s; 7) a critical attitude towards a balance sheet of socialism, prevailing in the second half of the 1980s; 8) a pro-democratic and egalitarian stance (including claims); 9) limited aspirations (particularly educational); 10) emphasis on personal dignity values ('living in harmony with oneself'); 11) concentration on private life; 12) a perception of the 'withdrawal' stand as (rather) compulsory.