(Title in Polish - 'Niezgodna niezgodnosc': metafora jako 'farmakon' i nieudana próba wyjscia z impasu (Daniel Naborowski, 'Na oczy królewny angielskiej...)') This article is a polemical rejoinder to the previous interpretations of 'On the Eyes of the English Princess', a poem dedicated by Daniel Naborowski (1573-1640) to Elizabeth Stuart, daughter of James I of England and wife of Frederick V of the Rhenish Palatinate. The poem is not only a poetic, playful 'tour de force', but also an attempt at demonstrating the 'impossibility of metaphor'. The imaginative analogies which constitute the metaphor are structured like the 'pharmakon': each of them represents an irreducible duality with a surplus of meaning, over and above the intended likeness. Naborowski wants to break the stalemate by reaching out for a 'super-metaphor': the eyes, as we can see, represent not just one of the features evoked in such poetic statements, but all of them, at the same time. However, even this gambit can hardly change anything: the agglomeration of all the discrete analogies cannot alter their ambivalent nature. Instead of constructing a 'discordia concors', recommended by the rhetoricians, Naborowski ends up with what can be described as a discordant discord