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2010 | 1 | 138-162

Article title

GENDER RELATIONS IN UKRAINIAN FAMILY (Genderni vidnosyny v Ukrainskii simyi)

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The article is devoted to research of relationships of marriage partners from the viewpoint of gender equality/inequality. The authoress substantiates a thesis, that the social phenomena and facts are neutral from the viewpoint of gender equality/inequality depending on sex belonging. The discrimination availability cannot be determined as gender one, so the term 'gender' should not be used for their analysis or study. The description of Ukrainian family from the viewpoint of gender quality/inequality is based on information of state statistics, as well as on information of the monitoring researches conducted by the Institute of Sociology, NAS of Ukraine, since 1992. The authoress analyzes such urgent gender problems of contemporary family as high level of conflict and divorce; power distributing in a family; gender discrimination of women in such the field of labour as a maintenance of family members. The institute of family is preserved in contemporary difficult social-economic conditions, adapting to new circumstances of life and varying consensus gender contracts. It is found out, that the gender relations in Ukrainian family have certain features which are related to the conflict between Ukrainians' notions about the desired models of marriage-family relations (which are seen as traditional, mainly patriarchal) and really existent types of organization of home-life, where the egalitarian relations prevails between husband and wife. On the whole, gender relations in Ukrainian family are developing in democratic direction, that is one of the important guarantors of the democratic future of Ukraine.


  • Natalia Lavrinenko, Institute of Sociology, NAS of Ukraine; vul. Shovkovychna 12, Kyiv, 01021, Ukraine


Document Type

Publication order reference


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