The study focuses on contemporary forms of folklore and their relationship to Internet. In the Czech lands, the spreading of literacy and print in the nineteenth century, together with the invention of radio and television in the twentieth, contributed to the displacement of oral transmission of many forms of literary folklore. At present, to a certain extent continue to exist short stories (especially urban stories), and also remembrances and short folklore genres (anecdotes, jokes, proverbs, adages, locutions). Internet, that began to expand in the Czech Republic in the second half of the 1990s, became a new platform for circulation of some forms of folklore. The principle of electronic mail in certain respects comes close to the procedure of oral transmission. Besides electronic mail, there exist many web pages that collect for example anecdotes. In these cases, it is difficult or impossible to ascertain their provenance, but this is not a crucial question. Many of the texts presented are parodies to classical folklore genres, but also literary works or film. There is often erotic or pornographic vertone. Thanks to internet and the use of e-mail, the literary folklore (especially its shorter and more humorous forms) acquired new possibilities for spreading and development.