The predicative (povedkovnik) is a syntactic category because it is just a semantic-structural component of a predicator with one single fixed syntactic role. The expression predicative (povedkovnik) seems suitable as well (cf. nedolocnik 'the infinitive', namenilnik 'the supine') and hence the abbreviation 'povdk.' which is already in use. As the main semantic-structural distinctive feature/component the primary function of a predicative, viz., a predicative category is typical only of a limited group of very heterogeneous (in terms of their development) group of lexemes (usually without a determined word class), such as 'vsec' (like), 'zal' (sorry), 'mraz' (cold), 'treba' (necessary), 'skoda' (a pity, a waste), 'dolgcas' (miss, bored), 'prav' (right), 'lahko' (eas(il)y). From the lexicographic and lexicological perspective only the above listed entities can be given the status of main entries with the label 'povdk.', whereas other lexemes with a frequent/specific enough secondary predicative function might be treated as subentries, also carrying the label 'povdk.'