The article presents the communicative strategies used in Polish press and television in coverages on World Trade Center (WTC) attacks and in commentaries and recollections on it written some time after the tragedy. The author shows a variety of genres used for this purpose: he writes on the role of chronicle, recollections and relations of witnesses in building the vision of the event which in time became a stereotypical vision of history. Also, mythization and symbolization seen in the description of WTC in Polish press, as well as its rhetoric and metaphoric are treated with some fullness. Moreover, the article contains considerations on the relationship between 'vantage points' put into the narration and their involvement in the contemporary political discourse. The article closes with an analysis of photographs showing the tragedy taken from newspapers and Internet. In short - it is a voice on one of the many ways of describing evil in media discourse and on the rules of building a conversational vision of history through this discourse and on the function of pictures in its recording.