The status of German and Hungarian people has changed after the formation of Czechoslovak Republic. The attitudes of German and Hungarian inhabitants who lived in Slovakia were not constant towards Czechoslovak Republic. The most important difference existed between members of the German minority who lived in Bratislava (gathered in 'Karpathendeutsche Partei' (KdP)) and Germans who lived in Spis. Germans from Spis were pro-hungarian oriented. Their 'Zipserdeutsche Partei' (ZdP) was during its existence a branch of the Hungarian parties - first 'Orszagos Keresztenyiszocialista Part', then 'Magyar Nemzeti Part'. Co-operation between these parties (ZdP and Hungarian parties) was realized through the election coalitions in 1929 and 1935. From 1930's KdP critized ZdP for its co-operation with Hungarian parties. In the middle of 30's ZdP fell into crisis. This crisis depended on massive move of its members to KdP. ZdP perished on 1. 9. 1939. In consequence of its aggression KdP was forbidden in 1938. On the base of the 'Egyesult Magyar Part' it was transformed into new party.