Scientometric assessment of the life science performance in Ukraine for the years of 1991, 1996 and 2006 is made on the basis of 13 biological journals of the NAS of Ukraine, and four modules of indicators. The first module reflects relations of Ukrainian biological journals with the international research community, aiming to produce data on distribution of papers in Ukrainian biological journals by authors' country of residence (separately for the former USSR and the other world). The second one reflects the publication activity of Ukrainian authors by scientific department, to produce data on publication activity of Ukrainian researchers in Ukrainian biological journals by administrative department (the NAS of Ukraine, the Ministry for Education and Science, etc.). The third one reflects the publication activity in Ukrainian biological journals by Ukrainian regions, to produce the relevant data. The fourth one is based on information about bibliographic references attached to papers, to have data about the contribution of basic institutes in the total number of publications in Ukrainian biological journals having Ukrainian addresses, and about the structure of bibliographic references in five Ukrainian biological journals (of the above mentioned 13) included, since 1991, in SCI database. As far as international context is concerned, the study shows the declining contribution in the above journals from authors of the former USSR and other world in 1991-1996, which affected the international merit of Ukrainian biology. Publication activity of authors from other world, although increased, remained quite insignificant in 2006, which is a consequence of many problems faced by biological field in Ukraine over the latest 15 years.