Archaeological textiles belong to uncommon findings in the Central European Area. Thanks to the corrosion processes, some small pieces of textiles with various structures have been preserved on several metal objects from graves from Streda nad Bodrogom until today. The Collection from National Museum contains also three ring-shaped fragments of textile (Inv. No. H1-119016-H1119018) from Streda nad Bodrogom (tomb I - 1/1926). The textiles are in good condition, except of the signs of mechanical damage. The more detailed textile research established the type of the fabric - 'samitum' - weft-faced compound weave. It is a type of silk fabric, employing a main warp, a binding warp, and a weft composed of two or more series of threads, usually of different colours. 'Samitum', which was produced in the Near East, belonged to the imported goods, connected with the social elite.