(Slovak title: Literarne pojmoslovie Bohuslava Tablica II. Pojem poetske umeni a jeho varianty v kontexte Tablicovych literarnohistorickych reflexii). Bohuslav Tablic used several variants of terms to determine poetic activity. He characterized ability of authors to write in verse form and according to the poetic rules. That way he depicted poetic activity and distinguished it from the other types of literary works. He used the terms not in perfect systematic order that is why their distinctive features are not always understandable. Following the context of his work, we think that he also determined the types of poetic techniques. He distinguished inner structure of verse according to two principles: 1. an organisation of the poetic text, according to the quantitative metre, 2. some parts of metre were organized according to strict scheme, based on the rhythm and intonation of syllabic verse. The quality of poetic text was not generated from the quality of the poetic art of authors and the quality of poetic technique. Following the poetic rules strictly was not for him an inevitable condition to meet the taste of readers.