(Title in Slovak - 'Vybrane otazky autorskeho prava v oblasti hudobnej tvorby (I. cast) Problematika citacie, epigonstva a plagiatu v nadvaznosti na pravnu ochranu hudobneho diela'). A quotation of the musical piece in another musical piece is common, however, in practice it brings problems specific to this particular kind of authorial work. The topic of the quotation also relates to the distinction between quotation and allusion. Another problem is how to define academism and epigonism as phenomena which are parts of the so called everyday creativity however they do not break the law. Where epigonism is concerned, here there cannot be any consideration of responsibility for a breach of authorial right, because the protection of the Slovak law on authorship does not (among other things) relate to the method, system, principle, etc. Unlike plagiarism, which is not a means of author's creativity in the right meaning of the word and rather, other works are subject to parasitism. The author suggests that plagiarism be defined as the production of mutations of concrete material from the work of another author.