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2007 | 8 | 197-209

Article title


Title variants

Międzykulturowe uczenie się w stylu pop, czyli jak talk-show „Europa da się lubić” edukuje do wielokulturowości

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From the perspective of the life-long education, the media and popular culture connected with them have become a learning space. The subject matter of this article is the analysis of the pop culture phenomenon, namely the talk-show 'Europa da sie lubic' (likeable Europe) from the point of view of its educational potential. While seeking the answer to the question - how the analyzed talk-show prepares for existence in a culturally diverse world - the authoress focuses, most of all, on the way in which the show supports the process of recognizing and understanding 'the others'. On one hand, the talk-show proves to be a source of banal knowledge, saturated with stereotypes that are supposed to provide simple fun and entertainment. Since mocking the stereotypes and implying that they distort reality is not an effective way of eliminating nor yet modifying them, the obvious conclusion would be that the show strengthens those stereotypes. However, on the other hand, there are some strategies present in the show that can be treated as an attempt to modify the viewer's stereotypical beliefs. Firstly, it is a strategy of interactions between members of different national groups, providing information about the others and challenging the stereotypes. Secondly, it is a strategy of melting the boundaries between 'us' and 'them', and thirdly - of establishing a primary category, that is 'We', which includes both groups with their common goals. Though the shows like the discussed one, do not encourage serious reflection on cultural differences and own identity, they can, to some extent, reinforce positive feelings, behaviors and interests towards cultural otherness. The resulting more open attitude could only be 'the introduction' to recognizing and understanding cultural otherness.






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