Audiovisual culture is nowadays one of the most popular fields of the cultural expressions. The film industry holds very powerful instrument to address the lives of the people all around the globe and to bring them education, entertainment and information on the one hand, but also the expressions of the national cultural heritage, values and new ideas on the other hand as well. This unlimited cross-border 'movementt' of the audiovisual products that are also protected by copyright brings the legal science and the legal practice as well as the various types of questions, issues and queries that should be address and solved in order to secure the legal distribution and using of the films, audiovisual recordings and other potential protected (audiovisual) works. Other priority of the legal science in the field of the audiovisual creation can be found in the relationships inside the filmmaking process, it means the rights and relationships between the authors (the director, screenplay author(s), cameramen, performing artists etc.) and the producers (studios), especially in the connection with the further distribution of the film and the protection of the investments in the whole process. Presented study should be the 'invitation' for the further scientific discussion on the above mentioned issues. The study brings the historical comparison of the development of the basic institutes of the 'film law' and the deliberation on the main possibilities of the legal structuring of the rights and relationships inside the - what we call - audiovisual work.