This is the first publication of nine inscriptions from the 1998-2002 excavations of the valetudinarium at Novae. They came, however, from different parts of the fortress of the legion 'I Italica', and a funerary monument no. 9 stood originally outside the fortifications. In each case the edition of the text is followed by an analysis of the material and technique. These inscriptions include: 1) dedication of a tempel to Sol Invictus (?) by Elagabalus, 2) inscription on rebuilding of a structure (most likely a fountain or a temple) by two legionary veterans ('imaginifer' and 'custos armorum'), 3) fragment of an inscription from a large building of Trajan's time dedicated by the province legate and the legionary legate, 4) small fragment with the name of Septimius Severus (?), 5) fragment of a monumental inscription, 6) altar for Genius centuriae of the 'princeps legionis', 7) altar for Jupiter and Diana Bu( ) erected by a veteran of the legion 'I Italica', 8) altar dedicated by a 'tesserarius', 9) tomb stone of Charagonia Arche, possibly a female descendant of a freedman Publius Caragonius Philopalaestrus, known from another inscription from Novae.