The issue of 'existence of the nonentity' in Stanislaw Lem's discourse is usually connected with the description of an ontic quality of 'literature'; secretly, it also refers to 'the world'. First, the notion of 'retrognosis' is discussed, as a 'symptom', in author's opinion, of Lem's hidden weaknesses: it appears in the text on Borges and instantly disappears mysteriously. It is a 'subversive' notion, by necessity undermining the certainty of data of a perfect tense, thus making any forecasting unfeasible. Next, two 'neantological' short stories from Cyberiada collection: 'Jak ocalal swiat' (How the world was saved) and 'Wyprawa trzecia, czyli smoki prawdopodobienstwa' (Trek Three or Dragons of probability) are analysed.