To introduce ethics to business one should undertake the following measures. (1) Bridge the economic gap between Poland A and B and carry out pro-social actions, no matter the political color of the ruling party. Negligence of those factors is non-ethical from the point of the Roman Catholic Church and from the perspective of the social-democratic or even liberal party programs. (2) The structure of the state has to be radically changed in order to achieve political transparency of the political institutions and to attain effective mechanism of control of the state servants. It is an urgent need to avoid further erosion of the state institutions, which are constantly exposed to the corruption practice. The anti-corruption laws, passed by the Polish Parliament on 1 July 2003, give hope for improvement. (3) Ethic dimension of privatization supervised by the Ministry of Treasure is an important factor. Unfortunate links between business and politicians tend to the 'institutionalization of the lack of responsibility' . Further existence of such links may question the future economic and social reforms. (4) Ethics of privatization (in economy, politics and business) has been recently the top issue, widely discussed by the Polish mass media. Eruption of one such affair results in the domino effect, which causes the avalanche of non-ethical, often criminal acts, posing danger to the social order.