'The Earth's Bounty: A Fishermen's Legend' was published by Wilhelm Feldmann in the Cracow periodical Krytyka in 1914, the year of its young author's death. Recently it was republished in an anthology of Ludwik Maria Staff's selected works in the series Library of the Young Poland Poetry. Ludwik Maria Staff, younger brother of the celebrated Leopold Staff, is known primarily for his 'Zgrzebna kantyczka' (Homespun Canticle), a volume of poems published in 1922. Rescued from oblivion, 'The Earth's Bounty' gives the contemporary reader an important insight into the character of its modernist author. This atmospheric one-act drama shows signs of having been inspired by Maeterlinck and the Irish symbolists with their stylized folklore themes. The analysis presented in this article shows that 'The Earth's Bounty' is influenced both by the Romantic ballad tradition and the turn-of-the-century Symbolist dramas.