(Title in Polish - 'Bialostocka plaszczyzna wspólnego dzialania' - uczestnictwo i kooperacja podmiotów politycznych i spolecznych w ramach PRON'). The cooperation of the main political subjects of the People's Republic of Poland began as early as 1945 and involved groups gathered around 'Miedzypartyjna Komisja Porozumiewawcza Stronnictw Demokratycznych' (Inter-party Consultative Commission of Democratic Parties). This institution was founded in order to coordinate political activities of groups assembled around 'Polska Partia Robotnicza' (Polish Workers' Party) in their fight for authority and the future shape of Poland. In 1948 the parties' cooperation was conducted within the framework of the 'Front Jednosci Narodu' - FJN, (Front of National Unity). Incapacity of FJN and the political crisis that occurred in the middle of 1980, resulting in legalization of political opposition in the form of 'Niezalezny Samorzadowy Zwiazek Zawodowy 'Solidarnosc' (Independent and Self-Governing Trade Union 'Solidarnosc'), made PZPR (Polish United Workers' Party) propose a new conception of national agreement, which was to be conducted within the framework of 'Patriotyczny Ruch Odrodzenia Narodowego' - PRON (Patriotic Movement for National Rebirth). Initiated during the martial law, PRON was to gather all political and social fractions in favour of the socialist character of the state. The fact that many Polish citizens did not approve of that state of affairs found its reflection in their limited participation in the movement. Consequently, the movement became a plane of cooperation for PZPR members, licensed allied fractions and public institutions. The authorities of the People's Republic of Poland wished to attract as many citizens as it was possible. This aim was not reached as there was no permission for the opponents of communism to join the movement. Thus, PRON proved to be the movement supported by people approving the reality of those times, where PZPR was the leading authority deciding about the shape of the organization. With the changes occurring in the late nineteen-eighties PRON activities were concluded.