In Poland, proposals have recently been made to adopt a statute on law making and, at the same time work is under way to regulate official promulgation of normative acts in electronic format. In the future, these issues could be regulated by a single statute, concerning both law making and promulgation of law. In its part concerning law making, a new statute should contain only those issues which may, and should, be regulated uniformly for all instances of lawmaking. These issues include above all: principles of making access to information about ongoing legislative work, obligation to respect lawmaking techniques and authorizing their adoption by means of a regulation, as well as the principles of preparation of justification of drafted normative acts, including in particular an assessment of consequences of such regulations. Another important part of a new act should be provisions on official promulgation of legal acts and making access to information about those acts. The current act of 20 July 2000 on promulgation of normative acts and some other legal acts is a relatively new legislation, therefore many its provisions can be maintained in the new act, provided that appropriate amendments are made to them. Only regulations concerning promulgation of legal acts in an electronic format would require far reaching changes. In the final part, the author formulates a proposal to combine the Legislative Council, the Governmental Centre for Legislation and codifying committees within one entity responsible for edition and promulgation of legal acts created on the national level.