Extensive German funeral preachment 'Zwo Christliche Leich-Predigten' (Görlitz 1601) over Protestant Aristocrat, Freiherr (baron) Melchior from Redern (1555-1600) written by priest Martin Nussler gives in a chapter 'Kurtze Beschreibung des Process, wie es mit der gottseeligen Leiche in Ihrem Leichgang und Begräbniss gehalten worden' short course and results of the dissection together with a short description of embalment of deceased, whose funeral took place four months after his death. Besides the fact that it was not usual to add 'postmortem record' to delivered and later for print prepared funeral preachments over nobles and townsmen in the Early Modern Times the yet unknown (in the Czech surrounding) text opens various possibilities of interpretation in different scientific branches. Historian seeks among others answer to possible diagnosis specifiable then and today.