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2009 | 1 | 127-137

Article title

PATTERNS OF SOCIAL WORLD: THE CONCEPTS OF SOCIETY AND ACTOR IN SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY (Kartyny sotsial'noho svitu: konsepty suspilstva i subjekta dii v sotsiolohichnii teorii)

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Patterns of the world are systems of ideas about reality. These systems are accepted in the culture of a certain socio-historical area. Patterns of the world set the stage for world perception by a human being as a subject of cognition and as an actor. Actor's points of view are conditioned by such an interpretations of reality as self-evident for the actor. This way of reality interpretation may be defined as the pattern of the world which dominates in the mass consciousness in certain socio-cultural space. Intellectual elite elaborates the interpretation of social reality intended for all social groups. In the Middle Ages, Catholic Church held the monopoly in offering the universal 'Weltanschauung' shaping the religious pattern of the world. Starting from the Age of Enlightenment, the secularization process had broken up this monopoly in favor of philosophers and, later on, theoretical sociologists. Objectivist and subjectivist sociological theories treat these developments, as well as concepts of society and actor in different ways. Such a divergence of opinions is conditioned both by philosophical and political ideas of theorists.


  • Natalia Otreshko, Mizhnarodnyi Solomoniv universytet, vul. Sholudenko 1b, 04116, Kyiv, Ukraine


Document Type

Publication order reference


CEJSH db identifier

YADDA identifier

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