Individual differences in civic activity may be due to many social and psychological factors. Three types of factors will be analyzed in this paper: cultural capital, social capital and place attachment. Studied was a representative sample of 1328 subjects from eight Polish voivodships. In a series of regression analyses cultural capital, and particularly the number of books at home, turned out to be by far the best predictor of both spontaneous and organizational activity, followed by interest taken in the family roots and by knowledge about these roots. Social capital (neighborhood relations) was a positive predictor of spontaneous constructive activity. Place attachment stayed in complex relations to civic activity. Type of involvement in spontaneous activity was used as a criterion in distinguishing four groups of Poles: the passive, the protesting, the constructive, and the generally active (protesting and constructive). More detailed analyzes involving additional psychological variables (e.g., attitudes of entitlement, political alienation, well-being etc.) testified to clear differences between these four groups.