Author considers animal sacrifices in Hamangia culture as an element of funeral rituals. Their number and variety dinstiguish communities of this culture among people of other Neolithic and Copper Age cultures in South-Eastern Europe. On settlements - in dwellings deposits - prevail remains of species of domesticated animals (cattle, sheep, goat), and on cemeteries - in animal sacrifieces - dominate bones of wild species (Artiodactyle, Perissodactyle). The practice of animal sacrifice vanished almost completely in the phase IV of the Hamangia culture. Such situation suggests co-existence of two different cultural groups, one being local, steeped in traditions of the Hamangia culture, the other coming from cultural environment (Boian-Marica) with graphite pottery, a clear system of social organisation (graves with power symbols) and richer cultural inventory (copper, gold, Spondylus shells, graphite decorated pottery).