Investment attraction of regions demonstrates the ability of areas to attract investment capital. The level of attractiveness alters on account of changing criteria that entrepreneurs consider before establishing a company. These are triggered by the access to factors of production, new technologies, subjective preferences of investors as well as the competition between regions in investment attractiveness. The aim of the article is to present changes in investment attractiveness of regions in Poland, to demonstrate dependence between investment attractiveness and the number of economic entities with foreign capital as well as an attempt to state conditions of future foreign investment inflow to regions. The presented calculations have demonstrated that there is a strong statistical dependency between investment attractiveness and the number of economic entities located in a region. Enterprises with foreign capital were less sensitive to investment attractiveness than enterprises without foreign capital. The investment attractiveness index design methodology, which disallows specific industry location factors being considered as well as the way foreign capital is being attracted, might be the reason for this. Well-prepared sites, having good access to means of transport, preferably with tax relieves are vital to foreign investors for particular investments that are developed. The future inflow of foreign investments may be determined by the investment attractiveness of a region and the level and number of prepared locations where foreign investors will be able to establish an economic entity easily.