This paper deals with the dialectal names of birds which are homophones to personal names, for example 'marcin' (corncrake (Crex crex)), 'wojtek' (stork (Ciconia ciconia)), 'jadwiska' (crested lark (Galerida cristata)). The authoress analyzes these names regarding the type of nomination. Names such as 'zofija', 'marcin and 'agata' are onomatopoeic words that reflect also folk etymology. The inhabitants of rural areas imitated the sound the birds emitted using personal names. Names such as 'wojtek', 'stas', both meaning stork (Ciconia ciconia), reflected the anthropocentric point of view. There are also bird names which have temporal motivation. It is connected with the time when the birds appear in Poland after the winter season, for example, if the stork came back near St. Gregory's day (previously on March 12th), it was named 'grzegorz'.