The study demonstrates the way in which Czech theatre avant-garde influenced the development of interwar theatre in Moravia. Its author reflects the situation in Brno, Ostrava, and Olomouc. As for Brno, the confrontation of non-traditional poetics of the Prague avant-garde scenes like The Liberated Theatre and the theatres Dada and Modern Studio with the conservatism of official theatre stages is proved by the stage work of Jindřich Honzl and Emil František Burian in Brno's National Theatre. In Ostrava, the influence of avant-garde became evident both in dramaturgy and the activities of the Studio (part of the National Moravian-Silesian Theatre). Yet, primary attention is paid to Czech Theatre in Olomouc and its most distinguished personality, Oldřich Stibor. The author describes Stibor's relation to the avant-garde programme and, confronted with Burian, Honzl, or Frejka, she tries to point out Stibor's originality as a director.