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2008 | 2(6) | 89-106

Article title

PRINCIPLES OF GRAPHIC PRESENTATION OF DERIVATIONAL NESTS CONTAINING COMPOUND WORDS (Zasady prezentacji graficznej gniazd slowotworczych zawierajacych kompozita)

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The aim of this paper is to propose coherent principles which enable showing the relation between derivation and composition on the graph of a derivational nest. The author proposes a system of arrows and dotted segments compatible with the current method of graph drawing. The arrows stand for the bases that contribute to the creation of compound words in the nest but are not a part of it (so called added bases). The direction and shape of the arrows depend on the part of speech represented by an added basis. The dotted lines symbolise the direction of derivation that generates non-compounds derivatives of compound bases. Both the arrows and the segments representing compound words and their derivatives are drawn in colours depending on the part of speech of added basis they contain. The analysis of graphs of some basic formations (such as 'BAJKOPISARZ' (writer of fables) and 'FOTOGAZETKA' (photographic newsletter) constitutes the point of departure for the feature. The author describes more complex theoretical models and an abstract, maximally complicated derivational knot in the nest of a non-existing lexeme. Moreover, he analyzes the graphic presentation of the derivational chain which generates an adverb 'NIEJEDNOZNACZNIE' (ambiguously) with 2 added bases and graphs of 2 nests (of a noun ELEKTRON 1 (electron) and of a verb TWORZYC 1 (to create)) with a significant percentage of composition.


  • Jaroslaw Lachnik, Uniwersytet Warszawski, uk. Krakowskie Przedmiescie 26/28, 00-927 Warszawa, Poland


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