In his contribution the author deals with the study of Vladimir Petrik dedicated to Minac/'s novelette 'Na rozhrani' (At the Boundary, 1954). Petrik's interpretation was published in 1981, that means during the 'normalisation' (1969-1989). It also predestined a character of his contemporary message. In spite of that the author considers the text to be very inspirational. He sees its key significance from the aspect of evaluation of Vladimir Minac's literary work. Petrik pointed out the ideological schematism of Minac's novelette, which was symptomatic for the socialist realism of the first half of the 50s. He also disclosed Minac's primary auctorial motivation. Petrik's attention is focused on the motif of coincidence here, respectively on the way, in which Minac makes it a part of composition in his fiction. The motif of coincidence is appeared also in his later works mainly in his belle letters from 60s. Here, Minac kept quite a critically reserved approach. The motif of coincidence is appeared in various contexts of Minac's work - once as a creative principle (generator of events), the other as an act of independent auctorial arbitrariness, which negates the art. The author points out the need of a genre pre-classification of Minac's work. In the 90s Peter Zajac drew attention to this point making also a reference to Petrik's study. Zajac found parallels in Minac's work with medieval genres (tradition of calendar literature). In this way Minac's novelette 'Na rozhrani' (At the Boundary, 1954) became a part of popular literature. In the 60s this fact was also pointed out by Bohus Kovac.