In this paper author present a complex of two settlements from Rawa Mazowiecka sites 3 and 38 located to each others on the opposite slopes of Rawka river valley. The settlement in Rawa Mazowiecka site 3 is situated on the mildly slope in the western part of the valley. The houses and adornment processing workshops were found here. This settlement had existed from the mid of II century BC to the II/III century AD. The site 38 is placed on the opposite site of the valley in the elevation of relatively high jut of the terrace in the east part of the Rawka river valley. There was large, 'prestigious' household which comprises tripartie long house and several storage constructions and installations. This site had been inhabited from the mid of I century AD to the II/III century AD. Chronology of both sites 3 and 38 based on 14C dates and results of analysis of artefacts, and structure and development of the settlements reflect social structure of people lived here. It can be concluded that the group of enriched people have separated themselves from the settlement community (site 3), moved to the opposite part of the valley and build there a new household (site 38). Appearance of above mentioned reach group of people (resulting as leaders) took place on the turn of I century BC.