The cumulative citation of the publication source of the EC/EU legal acts represents a specific problem of legislative technique following the accession of the Slovak Republic to the European Union. In the presented analysis the author accentuates the possibility and reasons of so-called cumulative citation of the publication source of the EC/EU legal acts, i.e. citation of the Extraordinary Edition of the Official Journal of the European Union as well as citation of the original publication source. An important reason for cumulative citation of the publication sources is the requirement for availability and information function of the sources of law. We must take into account among others the fact that the publication of a Slovak version of the EC/EU legal acts issued before the date of accession of the Slovak Republic to the European Union has not been terminated even one year following the accession and the Slovak version of the said acts is often misleading, due to the low quality of their translation. The cumulative citation simplifies the access to the required comparative interpretation of the community legal rules and hence takes into account the multilingual environment of the European Union.