The reality, in which a contemporary teenager exists, is characterised by a tendency to change the social roles that so far have been attributed to individual units (family, teachers) and institutions (school, church etc). Tendencies to change the identification objects, social norms and behaviour patterns appear more and more often. Due to a specificity of dealing with younger and younger generations, the school perfectly depicts changes occuring in the whole society. One of the creators of this 'new' society, undergoing constant changes, is the press, especially youth periodicals which propagate specific behaviours, attitudes and ways of thinking apart from giving information. Apart from this, as mass-media used by popular culture they form a source of obtaining information by young people about the surrounding reality and knowledge of fulfilling specific social roles.The authoress is presenting a draft of a reconstructed teenager's picture fulfilling a student role, which appears in the analysis of the biweekly publication 'Gimnazjalista Victor'.