A comprehensive model has been elaborated which determines sameness, equivalence and diversity relations. Sameness is the relation in which only one entity stands opposite to itself, in which there is a quantitative and qualitative identity. a = a is the same (Felix the cat is Felix the cat), but a = b is the same as well if a = c and b = c (Ljubo Babic is Ksaver Sandor Gjalski). Equivalence is the qualitative identity which denotes partial or complete correspondence of common properties of two or more entities. a is similat to b (Two copies of the fifth Harry Potter sequel are the same). Diversity is an unidentity. a is not b (A beech is not an oak). Unidentity model can be applied to the idioms interrelation in central South-Slavic language area, whether they are studied in terms of the genetic linguistics or sociolinguistics. To determine their boundaries, their relation should be determined first