The article is a fragment of the book entitled 'Ethno. The Story of World Music in the Internet' which is due to be published by the Pogranicze Press. First part of it takes form of a travel journal describing a journey through the virtual world of the Internet in the search for everything that has been written about world music, not merely the Serbian one. The second part contains conclusions made by the author after the journey through what he called Ethnoland. He writes about how the sound of ethno emerges, what constitutes a folk melody (melos), how the music becomes living tradition, in what way it modernizes itself, how it crosses borders, promises to become 'hybridic', but does not keep the promise. The author analyses as well what is considered by ethno music performers, theoreticians and fans its highest value, namely strengthening the sense of ethnic identity and superiority of one's own old culture. Thus it becomes clear that when perceived this way it serves various ideologies.