The paper aims at updating of the tradition of Christmas baroque spectacle so-called 'wertep' in Milorad Pavic's dramas 'Za uvek i dan vise' and 'Stakleni puz'. The use of former traditional spectacle structure is motivated by author's conceptions which apply to Serbian historio-literary process, especially to the 17th and 18th century rootes of modern Serbian culture. The interactive dramas structure becomes the context of the spectacle transposition of baroque origins. The structure of interactive drama was created by the author in consequence of adaptation of its precise and proper mechanisms to computer transmission into the ground of literature. The idea of interactive creation is result from Pavic's afterthoughts over psychodynamic oral communication, informative digital technology and their influence on literary text organization strategys and theatre plays. The scenes of 'wertep' aren't just the effect of basic folklorization but they are the effect of a formal experiment based on neobaroque idea.