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2008 | 43 | 7-23

Article title

THE COOPERATION OF THE GENERAL STAFFS OF POLAND AND ROMANIA IN THE YEARS 1922-1927. OPERATIONAL STUDIES (Wspolpraca Sztabow Glownych Polski i Rumunii w latach 1922-1929. Studia operacyjne)


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Soviet policy in relation to neighboring countries, especially Poland and Romania, inclined both governments to develop military cooperation and prepare themselves for eventual Bolshevik aggression. Warsaw and Bucharest signed a number of political and military conventions, in this way protecting their eastern frontiers. Military conventions from 1921 and 1922 created the foundations of Polish-Romanian cooperation for the whole interwar period. they were supplemented by seven operational studies, devised at the time of special planning conferences held in Warsaw and Bucharest so that the ensuing pacts were of a merely corrective nature. The special studies foresaw assorted forms of attack launched by Bolshevik Russia against Poland or Romania. Prepared by the general staffs of the two countries, they defined the potential and tasks of both armies in case of Soviet aggression, and were treated as part of a military alliance. the enormity of the work accomplished by both states in the discussed period is evidenced by the number of examined instances of Red Army onslaughts and thus the tactics of the allied armies. Observing the political events of the interwar necessary and proved beneficial for both countries.


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Document Type

Publication order reference


CEJSH db identifier

YADDA identifier

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