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2011 | 21 | 2 | 88-97

Article title

Las variantes de prestigio y sus relaciones en Granada



Title variants

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The variety spoken in Granada (Spain) presents singular features developed due to the late conquest of this territory and also due to the expansion of the city during the second half of the 20th century. The paper deals with the prestige of particular variants, which are typical of the variety of Granada, because this information is important in respect of their evolution process. The study pays particular attention to the relation between the two forms of imperfect subjunctive cantara/cantase and various phonetic phenomena that can be observed in this city. The hypothesis builds on the assumption that the speakers who alternate the two forms of imperfect subjunctive are more conscious of the prestigious forms and for this reason they also use the prestigious variants on the phonetic level.








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  • Miroslav Vales, Linguistica Pragensia, redakce, Ustav pro jazyk cesky AV CR, v.v.i., Letenska 4, 118 51 Praha 1, Czech Republic


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