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2009 | 8 | 4(25) | 237-263

Article title

'WHERE ARE THE SNOWS OF YESTERYEAR...'. ON PECULIARITIES OF POLISH AFTER-WAR PHILOSOPHY - ONCE AGAIN ('Ach, gdzie sa niegdysiejsze sniegi...'. czyli o osobliwosciach polskiej powojennej filozofii - raz jeszcze)


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The period between 1955 and 1968 was probably the time of the most significant achievements in Polish postwar philosophy. Although they were still usually under formal and mystifying name of Marxism, they were clearly influenced by three other great philosophical traditions dominating in interwar Poland: analytical, inspired by the Christian thought and phenomenology. Their representatives were the ones who created the peculiar intellectual climate that made the position of Marxism and social sciences in Poland different from the one in the other countries depending on the USSR. Trying to reveal the peculiarity of Polish postwar philosophy, the author finds the biographical method very helpful. Philosophical choices among: Marxism, phenomenology, neotomism, philosophical pluralism and further evolution of views and ideas of Polish philosophers who belonged to the generation that started its intellectual journey after World War II, cannot be understood without biographical context.


  • Ryszard Sitek, Akademia Pomorska w Slupsku, Katedra Filozofii, ul. Arciszewskiego 22b, 76-200 Slupsk, Poland


Document Type

Publication order reference


CEJSH db identifier

YADDA identifier

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