The author has dealt with the problems of non-comparative intensification in several papers and a monograph (Lexical intensification. Scolastica, Budapest, 2001). In the present paper, having given a short overview of the preliminaries, he first discusses the similar and different aspects of lexical intensification and moderation. He states that the range of means to express lexical intensification is far wider than that of expressing moderation. Subsequently, he presents the major characteristics of expressing moderation. In the second part of the paper the author discusses the relation between comparative and non-comparative intensification and moderation. One of his most significant conclusions is that verbs and nouns can also be intensified in cases of making comparisons. In the final part of the paper, the author expresses his opinion that the range of means belonging to the semantic field of intensification and moderation can be described by means of both grammar and lexicography. In his opinion, when an attempt is made to describe intensification and moderation within grammar, more attention should not be paid to an exact definition of the range of intesifiable and moderatable words, and the phenomenon of intensification and moderation should be narrowed down to the issue of the comparison of adjectives. With the help of lexicographic means the phenomenon of intensification and moderation can be described in intensification dictionaries. The author considers it justified that - in addition to the already existing bilingual intensification dictionaries - monolingual intensification dictionaries should be compiled, which should aim at completeness.