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2004 | 15 | 203-232

Article title

Transatlantic Relations in the Peak of the Cold War (1945-1956)


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The Second World War has brought fundamental changes to the structure of world political powers and in sphere of influences. The 'anti-Nazi' coalition was led by the 'Big Three': United States of America, which in 1941 gave up its isolation doctrine, Soviet Union, totalitarian state, and Great Britain, the representative of the democratic traditions of old Europe. With the approaching end of the military struggle with the Nazis one could notice different opinions of the Big Three confining the future of the world order. In author's opinion the most important issues, which created the post-war political order in Europe were: the future of Germany, relations with Central and Eastern Europe and relations with the Soviet Union. The latter was the key to the global politics. Stalin's policy to promote the communist parties in Europe, which gained much support, took part in after-war democratic elections, and joined some government coalitions, brought a fear that Russians would be a key-player in Western Europe. In August 1949 Soviet Union presented the world its own atomic bomb, which ended the American supremacy in nuclear armament. The Cold War created such milestones in the international politics as NATO, Warsaw Pact and European Economic Community.



  • ul. Pstragowa 4 m. 63, 91-496 Lodz, Poland
  • P. Matera, ul. Pstragowa 4 m. 63, 91-496 Lodz, Poland


Document Type

Publication order reference


CEJSH db identifier

YADDA identifier

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