During his approximately fifteen-year-long appealing to the members of Czechoslovak ethnographic community, Otakar Nahodil attempted to open a “research window” at least within the dimensions of the then Socialist camp with the emphasis on the practice of Soviet ethnographers. In accordance with his opinion, which was based on the idea of regional closed nature of research conducted by Czechoslovak ethnographers, he tried to break this closed nature by advancing Soviet ethnographic science. His life story has not been forgotten by the older generation, but less attention is paid to Nahodil´s views of theory and methodology of ethnographic work. We can observe his professional endeavour in several projects through which he tried to change opinions of the local ethnographic community. These were his view of the concepts of Marxist ethnography in theory and practice, his methods he applied on his own fieldwork (in Bohemia, Slovakia, Caucasus, Central Asia and Egypt), the themes which the Czechoslovak Marxist ethnography was to paid attention to, and the project of the journal “Československá etnografie (Czechoslovak Ethnography)”. In principle, the text is a sequel to the article by Lydia Petráňová, which is devoted to Otakar Nahodil´s life story (Národopisný věstník 2017/1).